Victor Cruz – Week 5

Hello! Week 5 was the most fun week yet! I took lots of pictures as well as kab videos. This entire week my mentor wasn’t here due to the lab having a conference somewhere in Boston. My lunches have been a lot more fun, usually, it’s just me and Adrian but recently Brandon and Chloe have been joining us! It’s a lot more fun and I’m happy I have a little group I can hang out with. Next week I wanna take a group picture with them! Anyways, in the lab, I have been managing. Joe has been extremely supportive and transparent and has answered all the questions I have as well as Frank (the teacher in our lab). I’ve been diluting all week and at first, I was concerned with the way the dilutions were coming out but now I’m a lot calmer. My main concern was that with every dilution there was less and less solution, so much so that it was extremely hard to see, my nerves were calmed when I realized 2 things- 1. It’s nanotechnology of course it’s gonna be small and 2. we only need enough to analyze it in a POM microscope which requires a super small capillary. I only need to redo… 2 samples which would take me about half a day and everything else I can do in 2 days and imaging would take about a day to do all 26 ish samples. So overall I’m on track and I feel confident in my findings. Finally, today’s (Friday) game night was super fun and I’m wondering where we can find all the photos from the events and the field trip. I met wonderful people so far and can’t wait to eat lunch with more people.