Week 10-Mechane Ebong

I just want to say how grateful I  for this opportunity. I’m so excited to present my poster and tell everyone about my research. I honestly wish I was here much longer. This has been a lovely environment to learn and grow, from the beautiful buildings to wonderful staff and faculty. This experience has opened my eyes to multiple opportunities. My favorite things was talking to the bus drivers, specifically the Greenbriar route. They were so nice about when I was still figuring out how the routes worked. I will also miss the 6th floor on Fondren library. I really liked the research I was doing and it made me aware of how problematic PFAS are. I plan to use these skills to use the skills I learned in the next lab I work in. Hopefully I will be presenting my research at another symposium. I also want to thank my mentor and PI for allowing me to use the resources in their lab. I also want to thank Dr. Faiza Zafar for organizing this, and creating such opportunities.