Throughout this week I was finishing up my project, and there were some dilutions I needed to finish especially when it came to re-taking pictures for the poster. I felt like regardless if the public was gonna see it, just me, or Joe I wanted them to be the best they could be. I ended up retaking about 7 dilutions which are about 28 separate pictures using the POM. In addition, I felt like I could take better samples so I ended up re-sealing around 4 samples. I wanted everything to be above average even if most people wouldn’t notice. They ended up being worth it as through the making of my poster or analysis of the phases, agglomerates, and Liquid Crystals it was clear and less challenging than it normally is. My lab notebook also was working over time, it went through a lot of new samples, failed samples, and scrapped ones. But overall I got the work done as hard as it may be, I even came into the lab on Saturday to finish everything!