Monday: Today I worked on my poster before turning it in. I have most of the information covered, except the results section. I spent 6 hours finding the goodness metric one by one from 3 of the data I plan to analyze. Sadly, once I analyzed it, it was giving me a straight line, and that only made me mad. I tried downloading more data to see if there was any change, but nothing. I gave up and went to bed.
Tuesday: Today after my 9am-noon meeting, I worked on my poster. I took in the feedback that was given by my peers and Dr. Zafar and implemented it. It wasn’t much change, but I for sure had to increase the font, fix the images, and the title. I will be working on the results section tomorrow.
Wednesday: Today was a very stressful day. I spent an hour working on my poster, and then 5 hours trying to figure out the coding for using for loops to find the goodness metric of 9 of my captured data. Now keep in mind, each data contains 3 different source detector distance data, and within each of the 3, there are 14 data with different amplifying gains. That’s a total of 378 capture data that I need to go through! And for loops is a way to make it easier by specifying what I am looking for within each data. I plan to use that information to create three graphs (green, red, and infrared LED) for the results section to compare against the hypothesis.
Since I was still getting a straight line and my data was not making any sense, I gave up. I cried and messaged Matt about it. I told him that I gave up and I need his help with the coding. The level of stress I had was high. I just wanted to go to sleep.
Thursday: Today I had a zoom meeting with Matt right after my shift. We talked about creating a graph for my results. After a very stressful day yesterday, he finally helped me figure out the coding for my data visualization. It was a very long 2-hour meeting, especially since I was very tired from my 7am-2pm shift.
Afterwards, I had dinner and worked on my poster for about an hour. My eyeballs were hurting too much to continue looking at my laptop.
Friday: Today I worked on the results section of my poster. I made sure everything was good. Edited the poster like 6 times before sending it to my mentor. I like the poster if I’m being honest, and compared to Tuesday’s draft, this poster is a lot more admirable.