This week with research, we are still recovering from the hurricane. Ever since the storm, we have not had power–it’s been almost a week, but thankfully our house didn’t get hit with any major damage from trees or anything. We’re mainly waiting for power and trying to adapt to it while we can. At one point getting ice and gas was very difficult. I was scared I would not be able to fill up my tank to drive to the lab, but after looking for a long time, I found some. Because of the hurricane, there were a few days of the week when I couldn’t go to work in the lab. For the work that I was able to do, I mainly looked at more research that is related to mine to see how it relates to some of the data that I got. Then, I started to discuss with my mentor again what my next step should be, what my poster should look like, and what the story of it would be. So I am leaning towards trying to get some more experiments in but stay within the theme of the data that I currently have. I’m slightly changing the research question, just to clarify a focus on temperature configurations. During lab hours, I actually had an issue again with being able to measure data the same way I did a few weeks ago. It’s been difficult to make the devices work as precisely as they were before, so I’ve been troubleshooting a lot. I hope I can fix it next week and also get a more holistic set of data with new piezo designs. I also seek to improve the performance of the device a bit so that we can get better power values, despite many other piezo devices also having very small power outputs. I also hope that we get the power back soon and wish that everyone else is also staying safe and cool.