Week 7 – Celeste Mims

Our Fourth of July break became a longer break due to Hurricane Berryl passing through Houston. I knew there would potentially be a power outage so I tried to get some at least started so I wouldn’t fall too behind. As expected, I woke up with the power gone out, but we were fortunate enough to get the power back in about a day. Once I got my power back I was able to continue to edit my abstract rough draft and submit it.

Now that we are able to come back on campus and continue in-person work, I am getting back into the routine of working in the lab and the office. Nonetheless, this week has been slower. I mainly did computer work and preparation for my poster presentation. I also went to the BRC to collect some data that was run the previous day. Additionally, we were able to use the TG-MS on Wednesday and get some data on the catalytic aspect of our samples. Because most of the data we have been obtaining has been through the HPLC and the LC-MS, I am still trying to get a better understanding of the TG-MS. However, with a little more studying and explanation from my mentor on how to analyze the data, I will become more comfortable. My mentor, peers, and I are still trying to make sense of the data that was obtained, but I am already envisioning how I can format my poster presentation. 

On Wednesday, I attended an REU dinner event discussing graduate school. Since I am highly interested in pursuing a PhD, I thought it would be very beneficial for me to attend. Even though I have about two years before I need to apply to graduate programs, I learned various methods of engaging in undergraduate research to make myself a valuable candidate for graduate programs. Additionally, engaging in more undergraduate research will allow me to explore my interests and see what kind of program I would best fit in. I want to have complete confidence in myself that graduate school is something I want to do and will be beneficial to my future because it is a long-term commitment with its many pros and cons.