This week has been one of trying to take it easy while adjusting. I had my baby (a few weeks earlier than expected) so I moved over to the virtual part of my internship. Life as a mom of a toddler and a newborn is very different from just the life of a mom of a toddler, and it’s great to see my little girl become a big sister.
My mentor and I had already set up a plan for when I moved over to virtual so, luckily, doing it early was not very difficult to make the transition smooth. As far as what’s going on with the research, at this time I am doing some readings on what will be incorporated into the “Abstract” portion of the poster presentation. Meanwhile, in the lab, my mentor is running the same experiments we were running before and will be sending me data as it comes in. Data analysis is critical to our lab, so we have some big steps coming up.