Week 4 – Nathanael Salako

Monday: I kicked off the week with a sense of achievement, having completed all the tasks assigned by my mentor right on schedule. I also submitted my project design ahead of time, which left me feeling particularly satisfied.
Tuesday: I spent the morning, from 9am to 10am, at the ORI workshop, the topic delivered focused on managing mindsets. Given my interest in personal development, this session was incredibly invigorating. Next in line was our weekly meeting. then it was off to the lab. At 2.00pm, I  met up with my mentor to give her updates on how I was progressing.
Wednesday: With Juneteenth observed as a holiday, I dedicated the day to family and much-needed relaxation.
Thursday: I delved into Kaggle exercises using Google Colab. Today was all about replicating steps from the `food_csv` datasets, an exercise that will be invaluable for our upcoming research project.
Friday: We visited the City of Sugar Land’s Surface Water treatment plant, where we observed the intricate process water undergoes before reaching our homes for consumption and use. Here are a few snapshots from our adventure.