Zimmerman Blog

May 30th, 2024 by dz56

I have started my first official week of the START REU program at Rice Univerisity.  It kicked off well with our orientation and a little bit of work at the McCary lab in the Anderson Bio Lab building with my mentor , Amoi Campbell.  I sorted mature Johnson grass seeds from the collected samples so that they can subsequently be germinated.

Mature Johnson Grass seeds with a rich “coca-cola” coloration

I enjoyed the orientation.  I have explored the Coach GPT site that was presented to us by Tim Harrison from EPOG academy.  I found the Uri Alon Ted-Talk about the realities of scientific research and the possible pitfalls of leaping into the unknown of scientific research a useful and thought-provoking introduction into a research project.  Even in my short time spent starting my involvement in the research, I am experiencing the “getting stuck” cloud that is discussed in the Ted-Talk.

I am excited to begin the journey.

2 thoughts on “Zimmerman Blog

  1. Dan, I’m glad to hear that you found the TED talk interesting as it helps you as the researcher to understand the zig-zags along the way. I can’t wait to hear more in the coming weeks about your research.

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