Week 2 – Alina Canales


It’s been such a beautiful week after all that rain!

We had to modify our project once more, and now we are looking at more specific aspects of a part of the bigger picture. My mentor has been working with the PI to adjust the experimental design. This week has been living proof of what we talked about in our first REU meeting – sometimes the path isn’t as clear as moving from Point A to Point B and that’s just a part of research. I’ve had to read alot of papers since the beginning of the START program, so now I’m happy to say that we’re able to get off the computer and into the lab to get our gloves dirty!

My favorite path to avoid the heat:

I like to pretend like I am attending Hogwarts. #SlytherinHouse

2 thoughts on “Week 2 – Alina Canales

  1. Love the picture of the breezeway. Looking forward to finding out more about what you will do in the research lab after the adjustments to your experimental design.

  2. Alina, it’s great to hear that you are making forward progress. I look forward to hearing more about your time in your lab!

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