Week 1 – Sharon Obaisi

This week was mostly introductory for me. On the first day (Tuesday), I met my fellow peers and found out what everybody was working on. On Wednesday, I met my mentors. I was assigned a postdoc and a grad student as mentors; I like the idea of having them both. They work in a chemical and biomolecular engineering lab, developing polymeric transistors for the ultimate goal of building better and more sustainable circuits. As I am not yet sure what field I want to study in the future, I am very pleased with the lab I was paired with because it is something new I can learn. It also gives me the chance to make use of the little bit of knowledge I garnered in my intro to chem classes. Coupled with the fact that everyone loves my PI when I mention his name, I am satisfied with my assignment.

I didn’t spend much time in the lab this week. After meeting my mentors on Wednesday, I got a tour of the lab, but that is about as much time as I have spent in the lab. I was hoping to at least shadow my mentors, and maybe even get a chance to help them out with their own projects, but perhaps I have to be more vocal about these things and follow up more religiously. This will be my plan for the upcoming week. While I didn’t get much hands-on experience, I did spend a lot of time reading papers on my mentors’ projects and taking notes. My postdoc mentor advised me take notes in the engineering notebook I was given, and it was a great idea because it helped me understand what I was reading a lot more.

On the last day of this week, there was a social gathering for all REU students and mentors, and I met some students (both undergrad & grad) from a chemistry lab. This meeting was important because it was the first time I talked with someone who told me honestly what it was like to be a student at Rice. I got encouraged about being able to gain admission to the university, and it felt good. I also learned about the best spots on and around the campus, and I look forward to making the most of the nine weeks I have here.

2 thoughts on “Week 1 – Sharon Obaisi

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Like you, I’m excited to see how your experience shapes up!

  2. Sharon, I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed your first week! I agree with you, make sure that you communicate your needs for this experience as well. Ask your mentor if you can shadow the work they’re doing and ask questions that show your interest in their work.

    It’s also great to hear that you attended the welcome reception and met other students who offered their insight into their experiences as a Rice student. I’m looking forward to learning more about your research and your experience in your lab.

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